Seibatoron No Atarashi Puraimu • サイバトロンの新しいプライム • The New Primes of Cybertron

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Welcome to TF:SNAP!

This is a Transformers fan continuity based on the concept of a magical girl anime. Originally uploaded mostly to tumblr, I'm setting up this site to make sure all of my content isn't lost should my blog or the platform go under. Most of the site so far is a massive WIP so don't be concerned by all the broken links. Thanks for stopping by!

Want to peruse the world of SNAP? Here's some places to start!


This is a fan project I am not profiting from, the Transformers franchise is owned by Hasbro, I make no claim to anything here other than specific art and story details. ✌

SNAP blinky

(Blinky by Phoenix Inanis)